Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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Text File
248 lines
(copyright 1992 by H. Daily) /
Required Files: /
For proper operation all above .KJV files must be resident on /
the current directory of the hard disk along with GEN.EXE /
( If you must run from floppy disk it is the operator's /
responsibility to insert the proper disk at the proper /
time, not an enjoyable task.) /
Installation: /
Insert disk #1, type and enter "A:" if not on A:. /
Type and enter "install". /
Insert the remaining disks as instructed on the monitor. /
The install program creates a directory "GEN" and installs /
the required files on that directory of the hard disk. /
To install from GENAID.ZIP file /
At prompt C> (type) md gen (enter) to create new GEN directory. /
Insert disk in drive A: /
At C> prompt (type) copy a:genaid.zip c:\gen (enter) /
At C> prompt (type) copy a:pkunzip.exe c:\gen (enter) /
At C> prompt (type) cd gen (enter) to go to GEN directory. /
At C> prompt (type) pkunzip genaid.zip (enter) to unpack GENAID. /
Each file will be listed as it is unpacked. /
At C> prompt (type) help (enter) to read HELP file. /
Help: /
Type and enter "help" to review this HELP FILE or /
use INS key when running GEN.EXE. /
Running: /
When in the "GEN" directory type and enter "gen". /
If not in the "gen" directory and in the main directory /
type and enter "cd gen". If in a sub directory type and /
enter "cd\" followed by "cd gen" to enter GEN directory. /
( If using the mouse select the functions by positioning /
the mouse cursor on the function on the monitor and /
press a mouse button.) /
F1 = R & SREF: Displays the King James text of Genesis /
in the left window and parallel King James Ver scriptures /
in the right window. /
F2 = R & KEYW: Displays the King James text of Genesis /
in the left window and key words in the right window. /
F3 = R & CMTS; Displays the King James text of Genesis /
in the left window and some comments in the right window. /
F4 = R & YOUR CMTS: Displays the King James text of /
Genesis in the left window and user added comments /
in the right window. /
F5 = NEW CHAP: Prompts the user for a new chapter number. /
Type and enter the chapter number ( example "11" ) and /
the new chapter file will be substituted for the existing /
chapter and displayed at home position. /
F6 = ADD COMMENTS: Allows the user to add comments to the file. /
Move cursor to desired location in right window and type /
text to be entered as comments. Word wrap is provided, /
but the enter key may be used as desired for a line /
return. Corrections are made by moving the cursor to the /
error and typing over the error. (There is no single /
letter insert function.) /
UP-arrow: Moves cursor up and moves up a line when /
the top of the window is exceeded. /
DOWN-arrow: Moves cursor down and moves down a line /
when the bottom of the window is exceeded. /
LEFT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the left. /
RIGHT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the right. /
HOME: Displays the top of the file. /
End: Displays the bottom of the file. /
PG-UP: Moves the display up one page. /
PG-DN: Moves the display down one page. /
INS: Saves the added comments in the file. /
If INS key is not used before the DEL key the /
added comments will not be saved!! /
DEL: Erases the lower window and returns to the /
full display. /
F1 = SAVE L: Copy the line that the cursor is on. /
F2 = DELETE L: Delete line that the cursor is on. /
F3 = PRINT L: Print the saved/deleted line on the /
line that the cursor is on, prints /
over anything on that line. /
F4 = INSERT L: Inserts the saved/deleted line /
where the cursor is and moves all /
lines below one line down. /
Last line of your comments can /
can be lost if on last line of /
allotted comments area in memory. /
Ctrl-F3 = REPEAT PRINT L: You can copy a block of /
lines by repeatedly pressing /
Ctrl-F3. It will over print. /
Ctrl-F4 = REPEAT INSERT L: You can move a block /
of lines by repeatedly pressing /
Ctrl-F4. Comments at the end of /
the alloted comment area will be /
lost. /
F7 = SEARCH: Searches the current chapter file for user /
supplied key word or phrase. Type and enter the desired /
word ( example "wife" ) and the first occurrance will be /
located and highlighted in capital letters. /
PG-UP key continues search above present position. /
PG-DN key continues search below present position. /
DEL key ends search action and returns to display. /
(prompts are displayed on monitor lines 24 and 25) /
F8 = REFERENCES: Opens a new window in the lower half of the /
monitor screen and displays the parallel Scripture /
references grouped by Biblical chapter. /
UP-arrow: Moves cursor up and moves up a line when /
the top of the window is exceeded. /
DOWN-arrow: Moves cursor down and moves down a line /
when the bottom of the window is exceeded. /
LEFT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the left. /
RIGHT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the right. /
HOME: Displays the top of the reference file. /
END: Displays the bottom of the reference file. /
PG-UP: Moves the display up one page. /
PG-DN: Moves the display down one page. /
DEL: Erases the lower window and returns to the /
full display. /
F10: Prompts the user for the number of lines /
desired to be printed. Type and enter a /
number of lines. (example "24" ) /
Type and enter 0 for no lines. /
F9 = CONCORDANCE: Opens a new window in the lower half of /
the monitor screen and displays the occurrances of the /
word of interest in the Genesis. The transliterated /
Hebrew word is provided and other possible translations. /
(The concordance is abridged with trivial words omitted.) /
Type and enter the desired word. ( example "wife" ) /
UP-arrow: Moves cursor up and moves up a line when /
the top of the window is exceeded. /
DOWN-arrow: Moves cursor down and moves down a line /
when the bottom of the window is exceeded. /
LEFT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the left. /
RIGHT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the right. /
HOME: Displays the top of the concordance file. /
END: Displays the bottom of the concordance file. /
PG-UP: Moves the display up one page. /
PG-DN: Moves the display down one page. /
DEL: Erases the lower window and returns to the /
full display. /
F10: Prompts the user for the number of lines /
desired to be printed. Type and enter a /
number of lines. (example "24" ) /
F10 = PRINT: Prompts the user for the number of lines of /
the main display to print. Type and enter the desired /
number of lines to print. ( example "24" ) /
UP-arrow: Moves cursor up and moves up a line when the top /
of the window is exceeded. /
DOWN-arrow: Moves cursor down and moves down a line when the /
bottom of the window is exceeded. /
LEFT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the left. /
RIGHT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the right. /
HOME: Displays the top of the file. /
END: Displays the bottom of the file. /
PG-UP: Moves the display up one page. /
PG-DN: Moves the display down one page. /
INS: Opens the lower window and displays this file. /
UP-arrow: Moves cursor up and moves up a line when /
the top of the window is exceeded. /
DOWN-arrow: Moves cursor down and moves down a line /
when the bottom of the window is exceeded. /
LEFT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the left. /
RIGHT-arrow: Moves the cursor to the right. /
HOME: Displays the top of the file. /
END: Displays the bottom of the file. /
PG-UP: Moves the display up one page. /
PG-DN: Moves the display down one page. /
DEL: Erases the lower window and returns to the /
full display. /
F10: Prompts the user for the number of lines /
desired to be printed. Type and enter a /
number of lines. (example "24" ) /
DEL: Closes the window, terminates the program and returns /
to DOS control. /
If use of this program has blessed you?? /
You may register it for a donation of $50.00. /
You will be notified of any appropriate /
changes/updates and questions will be answered. /
Send your donation to: /
P.O. Box 2098 /
Ridgecrest, CA 93556 /